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Marshall Project Welcome Email 2022

Marshall Project Welcome Email 2022

Date received:
February 9, 2022

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Welcome to The Marshall Project! Thanks for trusting us to be your source of comprehensive criminal justice news.

New York, NY

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Welcome to The Marshall Project.

Thanks for trusting us to be your source of comprehensive criminal justice news.

Every morning we compile the best, most interesting and latest reporting on the criminal justice system for you. We also make sure all of our original journalism is delivered straight to your inbox.

We appreciate your readership and support. If you ever feel like your inbox is being overwhelmed, you can always update your subscription settings to hear from us on a weekly or bi-monthly basis.

Below are five stories that have helped define The Marshall Project during our first few years.

An Unbelievable Story of Rape tells the story of a young woman who reported being raped at knifepoint in her apartment, only to be disbelieved by police while the perpetrator went on to assault other women. Published in partnership with ProPublica and adapted for radio by This American Life, the story made The Marshall Project the youngest newsroom ever to win a Pulitzer Prize and was recently adapted for television by Netflix.

Our Life Inside series, published weekly, is written by people with firsthand experience of the system. They’ve told us about facing a life and death situation when stopped by a police officer, what social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic is like on the inside and the bittersweet agony of leaving close friends behind when a long sentence is finally over. We’ve now published more than 240 of these essays, reaching an audience of millions.

Nineteen states charge parents for the cost of their kids’ incarceration, even if that child is later proven innocent. Our March 2017 story, published on the front page of The Washington Post, highlighted this cruel practice with a focus on Philadelphia. Hours after publication, the city of Philadelphia announced it was abandoning the policy, effective immediately.

The day after our story of brutal abuse by guards at Attica prison landed on the front page of the New York Times, two guards copped a plea and the US Department of Justice soon launched an investigation. This spring, our follow-up story found that “incidents” at the prison have dropped nearly 80%, thanks to the installation of 1,875 cameras and nearly 1,000 microphones in the wake of our story’s publication.

In October 2017, The Marshall Project launched “We Are Witnesses,” a series of 18 short films capturing the huge and tragic toll that the criminal justice system takes on virtually everyone who comes in contact with it. Published in partnership with Participant Media, The New Yorker, and Condé Nast Entertainment, “We Are Witnesses’” is a rare 360-degree portrait of the state of crime and punishment in the United States. Since its launch, the series has been incorporated into advocacy campaigns and educational initiatives, with many public screening being held. The series earned The Marshall Project its first ever Emmy nomination.